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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
Table of Contents
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Product Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
3. Major Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. The View/Edit/Delete function . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. The Add function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. The Draw function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. Program Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5. Registration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. Installation and Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1. Hard Disk Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. Floppy Disk Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5. Starting Calendar Keeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1. Hard Disk Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. Floppy Disk Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
6. Capacity Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
CALENDAR KEEPER ORGANIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7. View/Edit/Delete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1. View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1. Select by Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2. Select by Day/Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3. Scan Calendar DataBase . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2. Edit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3. Delete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
8. Add New Calendar Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
9. Draw a Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
10. Change Program Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1. Change Program Display Colors . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2. Setup Printer Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3. Select Calendar DataBase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
11. Registration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
12. Warranty Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
13. (ASP) The Association of Shareware Professionals . . . . 17
REGISTRATION FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Copyright 1989 Dataphile Software
All Rights Reserved
Version 2.1b
December, 1989
Copyright 1989 Dataphile Software
All Rights Reserved
Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
1. Introduction
Calendar Keeper is an easy to use calendar system designed
for individuals, clubs, or anyone who has trouble keeping
track of dates and miscellaneous appointments.
It's primary function is to draw 'wall calendars' which
include the events the user wishes to remember. For
instance, if you can never remember that your
brother-in-law's birthday is on August 16, what better but
to print a calendar which shows "Jeff's Birthday" right in
the August 16 box.
Are you looking for an elegant way to maintain, print, and
distribute your club or organization's schedule of events?
Calendar Keeper is perfect for this type of task!
Furthermore, Calendar Keeper permits you to maintain up to
10 separate calendar Event DataBases so you can keep track
of personal events, group or club events, etc, without
confusing them or getting them mixed together on the same
You are welcome to contact Dataphile Software either by
Compuserve EasyPlex (Compuserve PPN [74706,506]) or mail to
the following address:
Dataphile Software
7058 SandPiper
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49002
2. Product Support
Both Registered and UnRegistered users are encouraged to
contact Dataphile Software at the above EasyPlex or Mail
addresses for any product support questions. A prompt reply
will be made to all inquiries.
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
3. Major Functions
As any Dataphile (we love data) knows, a good database
permits you to add, edit, view, scan, delete, and report on
DataBase events. Calendar Keeper is no exception.
1. The View/Edit/Delete function enables you to search the
calendar DataBase by:
ALL - display entire DataBase one entry at a
MONTH - display all entries for an entire month one
entry at a time.
DAY - display event for a specific day/date.
SCAN - enter wildcard text to scan selected
DataBase for, displaying each hit one entry
at a time.
Once an event is displayed in the View/Edit/Delete
window it can be edited, deleted or kept.
2. The Add function enables you to enter new events to the
selected DataBase.
DataBase events can be permanent or current-year-only
type events. These are differentiated by the fact that
permanent events must be explicitly deleted by the
user, while current-year-only events will be deleted
automatically when the DOS year changes.
A permanent event is most useful for events which
reoccur on the same date every year.
Current-year-only events are useful for events which
will not repeat themselves on the same date. For
instance, the PTA meeting probably won't be on the same
date next year. Thus if it is entered as a current-
year-only event it will print this year but will be
deleted from the DataBase automatically and not appear
on the next year's calendar.
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
3. The Draw function enables you to print calendars which
include your DataBase events or 'plain' calendars which
have no events printed in the date boxes.
You have the option of sending the printed calendars to
the screen (for preview), to a printer located at the
LPT1-LPT3 ports, or to a file for later printing or
Calendar Keeper will print a professional looking
calendar on any printer using standard ASCII characters
to create the boxes surrounding the dates. Some
printers do not support the complete ASCII character
set, and for these Calendar Keeper will print simple
asterisks (*) to create the boxes for a calendar draw.
This option is user selectable in the calendar defaults
4. Program Defaults displays a menu where the user may
select from the following options:
1. Change Display Colors - enables user selected
colors for program windows and menus.
2. Printer Configuration - select printer destination
and draw options.
3. Select Calendar DataBase - define, select, rename
user DataBases for current Calendar Keeper
5. Registration Information displays details of how to
register Calendar Keeper.
Calendar Keeper is a Shareware software product. IT IS
NOT FREE!! If you use Calendar Keeper you should pay
for it.
Shareware is a method software developers use to
distribute their software products enabling users to
evaluate the software without buying it. If after your
evaluation you decide to continue using Calendar Keeper
please send your license fee to:
Dataphile Software
7058 SandPiper
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49002
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
4. Installation and Setup
Files on distribution diskette:
CALENDAR.EXE - The Calendar Keeper program.
CALENDAR.DOC - Calendar Keeper documentation.
REGISTER.FRM - Calendar Keeper Registration Form.
Calendar Keeper's DataBases should be kept in a directory by
themselves. It would be wise to locate the single
executable file (CALENDAR.EXE) in the same directory, but
this is not absolutely necessary as long as CALENDAR.EXE is
in a directory which is referenced in your PATH statement
(please reference your DOS manual if you have questions
regarding the use of the PATH statement).
Calendar Keeper will run equally well if located on a hard
disk or floppy (DataBase access will be slower if on
floppy). The FIRST time you execute Calendar Keeper it will
automatically create a configuration file and your default
calendar Event DataBase. These files are named:
CALENDAR.CNF - Calendar Keeper configuration file.
CALNDR00.DAT - Default calendar event DataBase.
You will be warned that these files are being created in the
current DOS directory (or diskette). Once created these
files should not be deleted or your personal calendar data
will be lost irretrievably.
1. Hard Disk Installation:
1. Create a Directory for Calendar Keeper.
2. Make the new Directory the 'Current' one.
3. Copy Calendar Keeper to its directory (the
following example command assumes that the
Calendar Keeper software is on a diskette in
drive "A").
4. Put away the original diskette in a safe place.
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
2. Floppy Disk Installation:
1. Create a 'working copy' of the Calendar Keeper
distribution diskette (example assumes diskette in
drive "A").
2. Put away the original diskette in a safe place.
5. Starting Calendar Keeper
1. Hard Disk Users:
1. Make the Calendar Keeper directory the 'current'
2. Start Calendar Keeper.
2. Floppy Disk Users:
1. Insert the Calendar Keeper diskette into any drive
and make that the current drive (this example
assumes "A" is current but you wish to run
Calendar Keeper from "B").
A:\> B:
2. Start Calendar Keeper.
6. Capacity Requirements
Calendar Keeper will run on any IBM compatible machine with
at least 256 Kb of memory.
Disk requirements (hard disk or floppy) are as follows:
CALENDAR.EXE - about 120 Kb
CALENDAR.CNF - 660 bytes
CALNDR00.DAT - less than 30 Kb
Additional calendar Event DataBases - about 30 Kb each.
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
View/Edit/Delete ---- Select by Month
---- Select by Day/Date
---- Scan Calendar DataBase
Add New Calendar Events to DataBase
Draw a Calendar ---- Include DataBase Events
---- Draw Plain Calendars
Change Program Defaults ---- Change Display Colors
---- Setup Printer Config
---- Select Calendar DataBase
Registration Information
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
7. View/Edit/Delete (Option "V" or "1" from MAIN MENU)
1. View (finding events in the selected DataBase)
Selecting the View/Edit/Delete option from the MAIN
MENU brings up a subordinate menu where you must select
which search option you desire to use. These are as
1. Select by Month - whenever Calendar Keeper
requests you to enter a MONTH you have the option
of typing a three character month designation
NOV or DEC) or a corresponding numeric designation
(1 for JAN, 2 for FEB, 3 for MAR ...).
After you enter the month you wish to view,
Calendar Keeper will display all events found for
that month one event at a time.
To display ALL events in the selected DataBase,
enter ALL instead of a month designation and
Calendar Keeper will display all events in the
DataBase one event at a time.
2. Select by Day/Date - instead of scanning an entire
month you may wish to inquire on Event data for a
specific date. After selecting this option you
will be prompted for the month and day, and the
Event data for that date will be displayed (if
3. Scan Calendar DataBase - for those of us who can't
remember what date (or even month) we've recorded
an event for, the SCAN option allows you to scan
the entire selected DataBase for wildcard text.
For instance, if you want to display all
birthdays, you may scan for 'BIRT' (scan is not
upper or lower case sensitive so the characters
'BiRt' would achieve the same results).
2. Edit (modifying data already in a Calendar DataBase)
Once you have displayed data using any of the options
described in the 'View' procedure above (or after
entering data using 'Add' described below) you then
have the option of EDITing it if you desire to do so.
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
While the View/Edit window is displayed, the EDIT
feature is invoked simply by pressing the letter "E".
EDIT will then display a PopUp window requesting which
of the 4 lines of Event data you wish to EDIT. You
select the line desired by pressing the number 1 - 4 on
the top row of your keyboard or the numeric keypad (if
shifted or numlock on).
Once an EDIT line has been selected, EDIT will place
the cursor on that line, PopUp a help window, and
enable you to edit the line as desired. Pressing
<ENTER> terminates the EDIT procedure for that line and
prompts for the next EDIT line.
Pressing <Q> or <ENTER> will terminate the EDIT
dialogue and save your changes.
3. Delete (Remove an Active DataBase Event)
Once you have displayed data using any of the options
described in the 'View' procedure above (or after
entering data using 'Add' described below) you then
have the option of Deleting it if you desire to do so.
While the View/Edit window is displayed, the DELETE
feature is invoked simply by pressing the letter "D".
Calendar Keeper will display a confirmation window
enabling you to press "Y" to confirm the DELETE action,
any other key will retain the DataBase event.
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
8. Add New Calendar Events (Option "A" or "2" from MAIN MENU)
Selecting ADD from the MAIN MENU invokes the ADD window
which prompts for the MONTH, DAY and YEAR of the new
Calendar DataBase Event.
To EXIT the ADD dialogue, press <ENTER> or <ESCAPE> from any
of the MONTH, DAY or YEAR prompts before entering any other
data at that prompt. That is, even after entering the MONTH
and the DAY you can still EXIT the ADD process by pressing
<ENTER> or <ESCAPE> before entering any numeric data at the
YEAR prompt.
Entering the Month:
Entering the Month is done utilizing the same procedure as
in View/Edit/Delete 'Select by MONTH' option described on
page 7 above.
Entering the Day:
Enter a one or two digit DAY for the event to be added (if
only one digit is entered you must hit the <ENTER> key,
entering two digits will automatically bring up the next
Entering the YEAR, three options:
1. Enter the actual numeric year. Entering an actual
numeric year will cause that year to be stored along
with the Event Data in the selected Calendar DataBase.
This Event will be considered a PERMANENT DataBase
Event (will only be deleted if you explicitly delete it
from the View/Edit/Delete window).
The only advantage to entering a numeric year value is
that YOUR YEAR ENTRY will be displayed in the View/Edit
window. This can be used as a reminder of when an
event occurred (such as the actual year of an
anniversary or birthdate).
2. Press <F10> to designate a YEARLY EVENT. A yearly
event is treated exactly the same as if you had entered
an actual numeric year, except that each year the event
is displayed using THAT YEAR's numeric value in the
View/Edit window.
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
For instance, NEW YEAR'S DAY is an excellent candidate
for a YEARLY EVENT. Each time the Event for January 1
is displayed (assuming you enter it for this date!) you
will see the Event Text with a date of January 1, xxxx,
where the xxxx is the current year value (from the DOS
date value). Once again, the year only affects what is
displayed in the View/Edit window (no effect on what
appears on a drawn calendar) so this is purely a
cosmetic difference.
YEARLY EVENTS are also considered PERMANENT DataBase
Events (will only be deleted if you explicitly delete
them from the View/Edit/Delete window).
3. Press <F9> to designate an event as CURRENT YEAR ONLY.
This type of event is self purging at the end of the
current year.
This type of event is useful for Events which will
occur this year, but will not be repeated on the same
date in subsequent years. For instance, you can record
your vacation days, special meetings, or even dinner
with the Smith's using this type of event. Next year,
when you print another calendar these events will not
appear (you probably won't reschedule your meetings for
the same dates).
Calendar Keeper knows to purge CURRENT YEAR ONLY events
when the DOS year changes.
Caution: the YEAR used by Calendar Keeper for a CURRENT
YEAR ONLY event will always be the CURRENT DOS YEAR.
That is, if you enter an Event for date "March 1"
during the month of December 1990 then the year
associated with that CURRENT YEAR ONLY event will be
1990 (you entered it during that year didn't you).
Then when March 1991 comes around the event you
expected to print will already have been purged.
Once the date associated with an event has been entered,
Calendar Keeper checks the selected Event DataBase for an
existing entry for that Event date. If one exists you are
warned and the Event data is displayed. You may then elect
to EDIT the existing data OR you may DELETE it. If you
elect to delete the existing Event data then Calendar Keeper
will immediately put you into ADD mode once again.
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
Adding EVENT TEXT to a Calendar DataBase is simple.
Calendar Keeper prompts you to enter up to 10 characters for
each of 4 lines for each Event date (40 characters total for
each Event date). Once all 4 lines are entered Calendar
Keeper displays the new Event in View/Edit mode, permitting
you to Edit, Delete, or Keep the new Event.
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
9. Draw a Calendar (Option "D" or "3" from MAIN MENU)
Calendars can be drawn for any Month/Year from January, 1900
to December, 9999.
After entering the Month and Year desired for the Draw
operation, Calendar Keeper will request you to enter a "1"
or "2" designating if it should (1) Include Events from the
Selected DataBase or (2) Draw a Plain Calendar. If you
enter a "1" then any DataBase Events which correspond to the
desired Month (in the selected DataBase) will be included in
the DRAW Operation. If you enter a "2" then Calendar Keeper
will draw a calendar with 'empty boxes' for each date which
you can fill in by hand if you choose to.
Once the 'include' option has been set you will be prompted
for the print destination. You have the option of having
Calendar Keeper DRAW the calendar (1) on the printer, (2) on
your screen, (3) to a file which can be printed later.
If you select option #3 (file) the destination filename must
already have been entered (although if this condition is met
then Calendar Keeper will permit you to change the filename
just before printing). The filename must be a valid DOS
filename, and may contain a DRIVE designation and optional
extension. Calendar Keeper will not supply an extension to
the filename if you don't enter one. Path names are not
supported within the filename window.
The destination filename may be entered from within the DRAW
window (using Option #5) or from the Printer Configuration
menu which is described in the Change Calendar Program
Defaults section below. If an invalid filename is entered
then the operation will be aborted.
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
10. Change Program Defaults (Option "C" or "4" from MAIN MENU)
Selecting the Change Program Defaults option from the MAIN
MENU brings up a subordinate menu where you must select
which Default option you desire to change. These are as
1. Change Program Display Colors - this selection enables
you to change the colors displayed on your monitor. If
you have a color monitor you may enjoy experimenting
with this until you find colors that most please you.
If you have a monochrome monitor you will find that the
various attributes which may be selected will still
offer you some amount of flexibility.
Some monitors display certain 'color' attributes as an
underline character. This will usually look confusing
during Event entry, etc, and you may therefor wish to
change them from within this selection screen.
2. Setup Printer Configuration - This selection screen
allows you to set several printer options. Since
Calendar Keeper will print on any ASCII printer it is
not necessary to enter which printer 'brand' you have,
but you must set the following options:
1. Options "1" and "2" toggle whether or not Calendar
Keeper should DRAW calendars using graphics
characters from the ASCII character set. Try
option #1 first (use graphics characters). If
your calendars look funny then you should switch
to option #2 (use asterisks for calendar
boundaries). Option #2 will work on ANY parallel
printer regardless of brand.
If you have difficulty with option #1 (use
graphics characters) but have access to additional
printers then you may chose to print to a FILE
instead of to the printer. Then you can take the
output file and print it on another printer at a
more convenient time.
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
2. Option "E" toggles whether or not Calendar Keeper
should EJECT the page after printing a calendar.
This option is used even if you are printing to a
FILE (the form feed character code will be sent as
the final character to the file).
Some printers automatically eject pages when the
file is closed. In this case you should set EJECT
to NO to avoid wasting an extra page every time
you DRAW a calendar.
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
3. Select Calendar DataBase - This selection screen allows
you to Create, <U>se, <R>ename or <D>elete Calendar
Keeper Event DataBases.
As previously referenced, Calendar Keeper enables you
to maintain 10 separate Event DataBases. From within
this selection screen you tell Calendar Keeper which of
these DataBases you wish to work with.
Selecting a previously "Unused" Event DataBase will
cause Calendar Keeper to prompt you for a name for the
new DataBase. Once entered, the DataBase will be
initialized and will become the "SELECTED" DataBase.
All View/Scan/Edit/Delete, ADD and DRAW operations will
always occur on the SELECTED DataBase only!
Selecting an existing Event DataBase will invoke a
prompt asking you if you wish to <U>se, <R>ename or
<D>elete that DataBase.
<U> Pressing "U" returns you to the MAIN MENU with
that Event DataBase being the current SELECTED
The NAME of the current SELECTED DataBase will
always appear at the bottom of your screen.
<R> Pressing "R" will cause a prompt requesting a new
NAME for the existing DataBase to be displayed
(this does not affect the contents of the
<D> Pressing "D" will invoke a prompt requesting you
to confirm the DELETE action. A <Y>es
confirmation will cause that DataBase to be
DELETED and the DataBase name to be reset to
Calendar Event DataBase #0 is delivered as the "Default
Calendar". You may <R>ename or <U>se this DataBase but
Calendar Keeper will not permit you to <D>ELETE it!
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
11. Registration Information (Option "R" or "5" from MAIN MENU)
Selecting this option will display the SAME information that
is displayed when you start Calendar Keeper as an
UnRegistered user.
Once registered, Calendar Keeper will cease to
display the Registration Message at the beginning
and end of each session. This is accomplished by
the entry of a Registration Number which will be
sent to you by Dataphile Software upon receipt of
your registration.
Registration information will always be available to you
when selecting "R" or "5" from the MAIN MENU, however,
whether you are a registered user or not.
Calendar Keeper is a "shareware program" and is distributed
in its complete, unmodified form to the user for evaluation.
You may freely distribute it in its unaltered form as long
as it is accompanied by all files which were present on the
distribution disk (or downloaded ZIP file). It may not be
distributed as a part of another system.
The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide
personal computer users with quality software at affordable
prices while providing software developers with the
incentive to continue developing new products.
If you find this program useful and find that you are using
Calendar Keeper and continue to do so after a reasonable
trial period you must make a registration payment of $20.00
to Dataphile Software ($25.00 if you wish to receive
Calendar Keeper on diskette with printed documentation).
This registration fee will license a single copy of Calendar
Keeper for use on any single computer at any given time.
Site licenses of Calendar Keeper may be arranged by
contacting Dataphile Software at the address below.
Anyone distributing Calendar Keeper for any kind of
remuneration must first contact Dataphile Software for
authorization. This authorization is automatically granted
to distributors recognized by the (ASP) as adhering to its
guidelines for shareware distributors, and such distributors
may begin offering Calendar Keeper immediately.
Distributors should keep Dataphile Software advised so that
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Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
they can be kept up to date with new releases of this
program and documentation.
You are encouraged to pass a copy of Calendar Keeper and its
accompanying files along to your friends for evaluation.
Please encourage them to register their copy if they find
that they can use it.
All Registered users will be sent notification of any
upgrades to Calendar Keeper as well as other product
literature regarding Dataphile Software products (your name
and address will never be given to any other company or
business for any reason).
12. Warranty Information.
Dataphile Software offers a 'no questions asked' 90 day
guarantee effective on date of registration receipt. If you
are not satisfied with Calendar Keeper during the warranty
period your full registration price will be refunded.
The warranty period has no bearing on availability of
technical support. It is the policy of Dataphile Software
to provide technical support even after the warranty period
has expired, and to registered and non-registered users
13. (ASP) The Association of Shareware Professionals
Dataphile Software is a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that
the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help.
The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem
with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support
for members' products. Please write the ASP Ombudsman at
P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a CompuServe
message via EasyPlex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
Page: 17
Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
City: _______________________ State: ____ Zip: ________
CompuServe User ID (if applicable): _____________________
Where did you hear about Calendar Keeper: __________________
Registration Type:
[ ] Register Software $20.00
receive the current version of
Calendar Keeper on diskette.
[ ] Register Software $25.00
receive the current version of
Calendar Keeper program on diskette
and printed documentation.
Media Type for program diskette
[ ] 3.5" diskette
[ ] 5.25" diskette
All Registered users will be sent notification of any
upgrades to Calendar Keeper as well as other product
literature regarding Dataphile Software products (your
name and address will never be given to any other
company or business for any reason).
Send Registration with check or money order (please do not send
cash) payable to:
Dataphile Software
7058 SandPiper
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49002
Registration questions may be mailed to the above address or sent
via Compuserve EasyPlex to PPN [74706,506].
Thank you for registering Calendar Keeper!
Copyright 1989 Dataphile Software
All Rights Reserved